English IV

I am Ariel Loría, and it is my blog for English IV. I hope you will enjoy with my articles!

miércoles, 13 de abril de 2011

Globalization: Positive aspects

The globalization scopes expansion on technology, economy, politic, communication, markets and other areas around the world. The globalization is important and gives advantages for people, and provides countries developing. Some positive aspects that we could talk are possibility of import and export products of our country, possibility of business of our enterprises and sites in other countries and take access to better technologies for productivity and fruitfulness. Now, we are going to explain them.

First, opening markets provides more market movement. And market movement improves jobs for people because demand is increased. It is shown in statistics about labour market compared between 70s and 90s, when the number of employed persons was 36 million. Also, strategic international alliances have been created to improve developing of natural resources, and with help of negotiations each member of the alliance will supply their necessities.

Second, opening of external and internal business have been given new capital inversion and close of national credits when each enterprise could inverts in the country they want. By this way, companies could open sites and develop economical globalization without taking account the country what it is. Now, each enterprise believes that a business is a global situation, so it improves some advantages like a better quality of products and increase preference customer in all the countries.

Finally, technological advances are strictly related with globalization. Like Ambrose Pierce, a writer, says: “Inventor:  A person who makes an ingenious arrangement of wheels, levers and springs, and believes it civilization”. Advances are symbol of live improving; a common example is medicine that saves people and protects health of population.
In conclusion, we could analyze that globalization have given benefits to our nation, in different aspects like economic and marketing enhance bringing the possibility let us know like an entrepreneur country on the worldwide. It provides an independent economy, growing market and better competition with other adjacent countries. This could better our capital and creates the possibility of make a developed Costa Rica.

Works Cited

International Labour Organization. Labour Market Trends and Globalization’s Impact Them. Taked in February from http://actrav.itcilo.org/actrav-english/telearn/global/ilo/seura/mains.htm

Quotes Garden. Quotations about technology. Taked in February from http://www.quotegarden.com/technology.html

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