English IV

I am Ariel Loría, and it is my blog for English IV. I hope you will enjoy with my articles!

miércoles, 13 de abril de 2011

Globalization: Positive aspects

The globalization scopes expansion on technology, economy, politic, communication, markets and other areas around the world. The globalization is important and gives advantages for people, and provides countries developing. Some positive aspects that we could talk are possibility of import and export products of our country, possibility of business of our enterprises and sites in other countries and take access to better technologies for productivity and fruitfulness. Now, we are going to explain them.

First, opening markets provides more market movement. And market movement improves jobs for people because demand is increased. It is shown in statistics about labour market compared between 70s and 90s, when the number of employed persons was 36 million. Also, strategic international alliances have been created to improve developing of natural resources, and with help of negotiations each member of the alliance will supply their necessities.

Second, opening of external and internal business have been given new capital inversion and close of national credits when each enterprise could inverts in the country they want. By this way, companies could open sites and develop economical globalization without taking account the country what it is. Now, each enterprise believes that a business is a global situation, so it improves some advantages like a better quality of products and increase preference customer in all the countries.

Finally, technological advances are strictly related with globalization. Like Ambrose Pierce, a writer, says: “Inventor:  A person who makes an ingenious arrangement of wheels, levers and springs, and believes it civilization”. Advances are symbol of live improving; a common example is medicine that saves people and protects health of population.
In conclusion, we could analyze that globalization have given benefits to our nation, in different aspects like economic and marketing enhance bringing the possibility let us know like an entrepreneur country on the worldwide. It provides an independent economy, growing market and better competition with other adjacent countries. This could better our capital and creates the possibility of make a developed Costa Rica.

Works Cited

International Labour Organization. Labour Market Trends and Globalization’s Impact Them. Taked in February from http://actrav.itcilo.org/actrav-english/telearn/global/ilo/seura/mains.htm

Quotes Garden. Quotations about technology. Taked in February from http://www.quotegarden.com/technology.html

Ethnic Conflicts

In many countries and many periods a person’s ethnic identity has had profound consequences for his or her physical safety, political status, and economic prospects. Violent confrontation along ethnic lines is the most apparent form of ethnic conflict, and it recently has claimed lives in such diverse places throughout the world. The three most terrible ethnic conflicts have been the conflict in Rwanda, in former Yugoslavia, and The Holocaust during World War II in Europe.
First, one of the most great conspiration that passed in the world was Rwanda Genocide. All happened because Hutu's people, which take control of Rwanda in the middle of the century with a rebellion, tried to kill all Tutsi people, just for hate reasons. In the massacre, government takes planning in the action, and with Hutu's people help, they kill 4/5 parts of Tutsi population. After Hutus victory, the Ruanda Patriotic Front created a coalition government that was disolved to 2003. One of the most hits for nation was the economy stability because a lot of money was spent to buy weapons against Tutsi people.
Another conflict in 90's was Yugoslav wars. Started with ethnic different, among serbs, croats, bosniaks and slovens, the war was divided in three different phases: war in Slovenia, Croatian War of Independence and Bosnian War. Differences between these groupies caused an approximate of 140,000 people deaths and a devastating effect of Yugoslavia economy, mainly for military costs. At the end of each sub-war, a independence was achieved of each nation but with highly prices. Sadly, not all aggression was stopped because between Bosnia's people started an internal war rape with the intention of avoiding Serbian expansionist. Mainly womans were rape an required to take child of aggressors. After a few years, serious decisions was taked against this terrible violation.

Finally, the most impacting and known genocide attack was lived in World War II. The mainly apocalyptic issue, that authors talk about this event, was a lot of money which was used to finance all destruction and dead. Like Ronald Fuchs, an important american proffesor, said: “It'll be a great day when education gets all the money it wants and the Air Force has to hold a bake sale to buy bombers”. Also, political establishment was affected because allies group divide Germany territory in two parts, that improves more violence subsequent years and population instability. Fatalities for World war period covers 50 million to over 70 million of deads.
Ethnic conflicts such aconocidas in Rwanda, former Yugoslavia, and The Holocaust during World War II triggered the worst feelings a human being can have. Any country or society can go through such terrors. Different religion, race, and beliefs are not good reasons to kill each other. It depends on new generations not to repeat the terrible crimes against

Works Cited
Garden Quotes. Quotes of world. Taked in march from http://www.quotegarden.com/war.html
Global Security. Conflict in Rwanda. Taked in march from http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/war/rwanda1.htm
Wikipedia. Yugoslav Wars. Taked in march from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yugoslav_Wars

Global warming: three actions for stop it.

Global warming is a worldwide problem that affects people and we think the mainly solution for this is education. Human race need to cultivate the seed of conscience in new generations, and preserver water, improves recycling and avoid excessive consumption. First, save water is fundamental because it is a primary source for nature, and we need it to keep the planet alive. A common example are the concentration of CO2 statistics; Prior to the industrial age, the atmosphere was about 220 ppm (parts of million) and today it is over 360 ppm. That’s an increase of about 30% in less than 300 years. Also, recycle is important; it can reduce pollution and the gas emissions of companies trying to eliminate garbage. We can separate it in glass, paper, plastic, aluminum and organic. Then, consumption affects ozone layer indirectly; the use of refrigerators, air conditioners, and aerosols produce CFC’s (chlorofluorocarbon) that increases the “hole” in the atmosphere.. People buy thing and the use of fuels to have a better life without thinking in the pollution it may create. For this reason, we can reduce the gas emissions in everything we do in our daily life. And humans are responsible of this consumption. Like Tony Blair says, a world’s defender, “Global warming is too serious for the world any longer to ignore its danger or split into opposing factions on it”. The mainly actions must be done by humans. In conclusion, we think that everything could change with the knowledge transfer in future generations.


Social Triggers of Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is a social cancer that affects our world, especially women. I think it is caused for society and three specific factors. First, mans who believe that they are superior. For example NCADV (National Coalition Against Domestic Violence) says that an estimated of 1.3 million women are victims of physical assault by an intimate partner each year and 85% of domestic violence victims are women. Then, there are common components in our environment that improves violence and unconscious actions. These are drugs and alcohol. Hunter Thompson, who was a victim of violence, says “I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity yo anyone, but they have always worked for me”. It is an authentic showing of drugs could do. Finally, have a high self-esteem is important, because define the auto concept that we have about us, and if we don’t happy when we are, we will believe than others have low value like we. In conclusion, Domestic Violence exists in our society, and affects world by different sides, but it is caused by human factors, and clue is change this thinking of culture. The change is in us.


·         Best quotes Poems. Violence Quotes. Taked on February 2011 from http://www.best-quotes-poems.com/violence-quotes.html
·         National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Domestic Violence Statistics. Taked on February 2011 from http://sawera.org/tag/blog/

viernes, 1 de abril de 2011

6) Comparison and contract essay - Secretariat

I am going to talk about a very nice movie that we saw the last week in our english class: Secretariat. The movie consists in the history of a woman that’s received an inheritance from her grandfather, an old stable with many horses. One of the horses had pregnant and it has a little horse that be adopted by the name of Secretariat. It was trained by an experimented man who knows about horses races training, and with the time Secretariat had converted in a famous fast horse that wins a lot of races sequentially. The very interesting of this movie, and the stuff that I am going to analyze, is the brute change of life the protagonists lived, Penny Chanery, because famous obtained by the horse. She lived changes in her profession, family and personality.

First, the profession of her is totally oriented to racing, when Secretariat starts to win. He changed her normal life, with a common profession and chores worries about life, to a very quickly and competitive environment where the mainly objective is win and take the attention of racing fans. A clearly example of that are the apparitions in public interview against their opponents.

By other side, an area of her life that suffers a great impact is their family. Is evident the great distance that be established between her and her childs and husband. She abandoned them; with the intention of prove Secretariat skills in racing, and when she discovered that the horse could be a good business, she continues using secretariat to win. In this point is very contrast and sadly to her husband, because before they have a good relationship, but far away house the contact is minimum.

Finally, internally her personality turns very aggressive. At the beginning of the movie, we could see a woman friendly, familiar, hopeful, positive, entrepreneurial, etc. With the changes of plot, she starts to worry about Secretariats victory and take public verbal combats with their opponents. She changed her point of view about racing and forgets their initial goals and thrusters.

I guess, concluding with this analysis, despite with cannot saw the real final of the history (referred to what happen with protagonist family and Secretariat) because the final is very happy, we need to take an account the events in our life could make strong changes in our behavior and actions. It is an example that fame could change anyone, and the real identity needs to be preserved. Under my criteria, never, any successful, indifferently of whatever it means could change our professional (if it is good) path, family relation or personality.

lunes, 4 de octubre de 2010

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